Tuesday, January 25

CPEC initial assessment

We went along today for our initial assessment - I'm sooo relieved that it all went so well. I was a bit worried that I'd put so much emphasis on it, and I had so many questions that not all my questions would be answered and I'd come away frustrated. But, we have a fantastic team of therapists. I went through every little detail with them. All the little things that have been in my head for so long. All the things that I want help with and needed doing and all the things that had been playing on my mind. I know its not like I can totally stop thinking about these things, but they are off my mind - if that makes sense!? I don't have to think about them as much, there are other people in the world who now know about her problems and are working on helping us. It feels like a big relief. I know I'm still the one who is her primary, I'm still the one that does the therapy with her and looks after her the most, but it feels better knowing other people are on to it. She has her own priority list, things like a pusher, feeding, seating, bathing, funding for everything (where we can get it), and we have it all on a regular weekly basis - not all over the place. The lady we currently have is supposed to come every second week, but she is known for ringing up in the morning and cancelling - she's terrible at keeping up, she'll come with the wrong bits of equipment, or the right bits, but the wrong parts to adjust the equipment - very very frustrating. All that will be behind us! It will be nice to get some sort of routine going - every Tuesday is CPEC day.
I spoke to my sister again this morning, she's still on cloud nine, just very very jet lagged. She told me that he proposed to her on the bridge where Big finds Carrie at the end of the Sex in the City movie - god, how romantic! I can't wait to see her. She gets back on Monday night, mum wants to go to the airport to meet them, I'm not sure if I'll go or not, I'll have to see how Holly's seizures are on the day I guess.
Gotta get her dinner organised...


  1. YAY!!! I am so glad your appointment went well, and that you got what you wanted out of it... This CPEC journey is going to be fantastic !!

  2. Prue I am so happy for you and Holly and can completely relate to offloading many a thought on a therapist over the years! There is also some good counselling sessions available through carers Vic that is another chance to chat to someone other than your family too. xx
