Tuesday, July 13

Good one

We've had a whole heap of smiles today - she is soooo cute when she smiles!
Had a pretty lazy day today. The man came from the removal company to see what size truck he'll need to bring and just how much crap we own! I think we live in a smallish sized house and we have this much stuff, imagine how much people who have big houses have??!! Or those people on the TV shows like 'clean house' or 'hoarder', far out they must have some stuff! Anyway, L ended up getting some boxes from a friend of ours so we don't need to spend the extra $300 on boxes from the removalist. I'm sure they would prefer that we use their boxes, I'm sure it would be easier for them, but hey, these ones are free! I went to officeworks this morning and bought some packing tape too, so I'm all set for tomorrow, I'm going to make a start.
Tomorrow we have the physio first thing - 9am. I think L might be having some time off work around lunchtime, then he has a game to referee. Everton are playing Melbourne Victory and he's doing it, so I imagine he'll need to leave the house at about 3ish if not before. I'm not sure if I'm going or not. L hasn't heard anything about him getting tickets. I have organised for Mum to mind Holly, but if L doesn't hear anything about the tickets, I'll be just as happy to sit at home, its going to be freezing tomorrow night! I'll just have to decide in the morning if I can be bothered.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm all up to date with Prue and Holly news!

    Hooray for free boxes! Good luck with the packing - I don't envy you doing that job.

    I love that photo of Holly. She is so cute! Her little smile must make your heart melt.

    Look forward to seeing you soon.
